On April 25, 2022, WEA Sustainability Center Co-Director Dr. Chris Elisara participated in the launch of The City We Need Now (TCWNN) document, a global manifesto prepared by the World Urban Campaign platform coordinated by UN-Habitat that prioritises key elements of the New Urban Agenda and advances principles on the lead to the High-Level Meeting on the Review of the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
The City We Need Now represents +220 organizations working on raising awareness about positive urban change for green, productive, healthy, safe and inclusive cities. The document is an updating of the seminal City We Need 2.0 statement produced in 2016 by the World Urban Campaign to influence Habitat III and the New Urban Agenda. The City We Need Now includes 10 principles and action items. It is one of the first UN-Habitat document of this type that explicitly affirms and encourages faith-based organizations to be committed to sustainable cities. Priority action item #5 of principle #4 on Inclusion and Gender Equality calls to "encourage faith-based organizations co-committed to the common good and TCWNN to maximize their influence and impact to implement TCWNN."
Watch the recording to listen to Dr. Chris Elisara's remarks and to learn more about the 10 principles turning cities and human settlements into more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable spaces.