Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network (LWCCN)
The Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network existst to empower Christian individuals and churches all over the globe to take action on creation care.
Faith for Earth Initiative
Following a series of initiatives and conventions organized in partnership with faith-based organizations, UN Environment launched the Faith for Earth Initiative in November 2017. The goal of Faith for Earth is to strategically engage with faith-based organizations and partner with them to collectively achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and fulfill the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.
Faith for Earth has three main goals: to inspire and empower faith organizations and their leaders to advocate for protecting the environment, to green faith-based organizations’ investments and assets to support the implementation of SDGs, and to provide them with knowledge and networks to enable their leaders to effectively communicate with decision-makers and the public.
International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development
PaRD brings together governmental and intergovernmental entities with diverse civil society organisations (CSOs) and faith-based organisations (FBOs), to engage the social capital and capacities vested in diverse faith communities for sustainable development and humanitarian assistance in the spirit of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
PaRD aims at greater and institutionalised communication and coordination between secular and non-secular actors, while fostering new synergies through cooperation and collaboration of its members. In addition, PaRD uses synergies with existing networks and initiatives to contribute towards a more coherent, inclusive and effective international agenda on religion and development.
Renew Our World Campaign
Renew Our World is a global movement of Christians who believe that since we are truly image bearers of God, we should act like it – living out love for one another in actions and in truth. Since we are image bearers of God, we won’t stand by while our neighbours are trapped in poverty, and we won’t stay idle as creation is left untended, and inequality is left to fester.
Plastic Bank
It‘s Plastic Bank's mission to stop Ocean Plastic by gathering a billion people together to monetize waste while improving lives. Plastic Bank is a root cause solution to prevent the flow of plastic into our oceans.
Plastic Bank has launched the Faith program so Faith Movements and communities can join Plastic Bank in caring for the planet and caring for the poor. Believers all over the world sense the calling to put their faith into action by fighting ocean plastic and poverty.
United Nations SDG Action Campaign
The UN SDG Action Campaign intends to create awareness about the 2030 Agenda, empower and inspire people across the world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while generating political will, and help make the Goals attainable by 2030.
The UN SDG Action Campaign commits to:
- Engage stakeholders and individuals to support member states and UN Country Teams in the SDGs implementation through direct people’s engagement
- Encourage public ownership of the SDGs in every country through creative and innovative communications, campaigning and policy advocacy
- Sponsor people-driven processes to strengthen accountability mechanism and monitor SDG progress through generation/collection of data, evidence, and sentiment about the impact of the SDGs