A global network of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis.
Are you passionate about intercessory prayer?
Do you believe that God cares for creation as much as you do?
Are you ready to pray the prayers commensurate to the climate crisis?
Are you willing to bring the best of your faith tradition to being a “climate intercessor”?
Receive the newsletters, and access the global prayer meetings (includes brief scriptural reflections on prayer and the climate crisis).
Monthly prayer for climate action.
What you will find in a newsletter:
notices about monthly on-line prayer meetings (across multiple time zones)
notices about prayer events (local, regional, and on-site in Egypt for COP27)
brief reflections on what the Bible says about prayer and the climate crisis.
updates and notices on important climate change-related developments
printed and video resources for personal growth as an effective intercessor
shared resources and best practices for how to mobilize for climate intercession in your own organization
collaborative opportunities for your own initiatives within the network