The WEA Sustainability Center

... connects 600 million evangelical Christians around the globe with global efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

... provides impetus for broader engagement of evangelical churches and individual Christians around the globe to care for creation

... illustrates the diverse contributions to sustainable development made by evangelical churches around the world through their faith and practical action

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Nothing from July 27, 2024 to August 2, 2024.

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  • WEA co-hosts first ever Faith Pavilion at UN Climate Conference
    During this year’s UN Climate Change Conference COP28 in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), there will be a Faith Pavilion for the first time in the so-called “Blue Zone” (the negotiating zone for which participants require special accreditation). This pavilion will make the voices of […]
  • Small Island Developing States Conference 2024
    Small Island Developing States (SIDS) stand at the forefront of numerous global crises, encompassing climate change, COVID-19 recovery, and debt. These nations possess breathtaking beauty and serve as custodians of our oceans. However, the challenges they confront are progressively escalating and […]
  • A UN Plastics Treaty – One Step Closer
    by Dr. Emily Lange, WEASC Project Support Officer Last year’s UNEA 5.2 session advanced a remarkable commitment – the project of building a UN Plastics Treaty, which has been described as “the most important international multilateral environmental deal since the Paris climate accord.”(i) The […]
  • Third and final day of the UN Water Conference
    On the third day of the UN Water Conference, the WEA team again observed the conference proceedings and participated in a wide variety of events. Dr. Chris Elisara’s day started early in lower Manhattan’s historic Woolworth building at an event entitled “Together We Walk,” which is also the name of […]
  • Faith Community is a Blue Community
    Faith Community is a Blue Community – Joint side event during UN Water Conference 2023 “Faith Community is a Blue Community” was the title of a hybrid side event on World Water Day 2023 that WEA had jointly organized and co-sponsored together with partners on Wednesday, 22 March 2023. The […]

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