In 2012 the fledgling global creation care movement met in Jamaica, precipitated by Lausanne 3’s Cape Town Commitment’s recognition of creation care and the explicit encouragement for other groups to expand on what it had touched upon. That gathering, co-planned with the WEA, produced The Gospel and Care of Creation: A Call to Action statement (AKA the Jamaica Call to Action), and helped launch the global creation care movement that what would eventually become the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network (LWCCN).

In late 2023 LWCCN decided that twelve years after Jamaica, and immediately after L4, would be a good time to reconvene the global creation care network to share stories, pray and worship together, and do another round of global strategic planning and movement building. Thus, the Global Creation Care Forum (Sept. 28 – Oct. 2nd at the Somang Retreat Center, in South Korea) was born and planned over 2024. The Sustainability Center’s Dr. Samuel Richmond, and WEA Theological Commission Coordinator, Rei Lemuel Crizaldo, represented the WEA Sustainability Center at L4 and Global Creation Care Forum (GCCF). (Dr. Elisara’s son was married over that time and could not attend, but he was deeply involved in the planning of GCCF and contributing to the forthcoming statement on creation care)
Mr. Rei Lemuel was a member of the small GCCF team responsible for drafting a new LWCNN creation care statement/invitation entitled Good News for all the Earth — calling the global church to a new, biblical commitment to practical collaborative action in caring for God’s world. This new statement, which included inclusive input and review by the creation care leadership community, will be introduced at a LWCNN webinar on Dec. 12th which will share highlights and learnings from L4 and the GCCF. Sign up at these links to participate in the webinar:
Option 1: Time: 11:00 GMT (06:00 EST) | Date: Thursday, 12 December 2024
Option 2: Time: 19:00 GMT (14:00 EST) | Date: Thursday, 12 December 2024
Sign up for the time that best suits you at this link: