In early November 2021, world leaders will gather for the most important climate summit since the 2015 Paris Agreement, which marked a milestone in UN climate change negotiations. The following downloadable prayer points have been created to guide and direct your prayer for COP26 and the challenges of climate change that are already real. Each week focuses on a specific theme and provides impetus for personal and communal prayer. Some creative suggestions for prayer have also been put together to help you pray in new ways – whether alone, with your family or with people in your local community. We suggest that you use this guide for your prayer during the next eight weeks in autumn 2021, leading up to the major COP26 climate conference, but of course you can use it at any other time if you want to pray with a thematic connection to global climate change.
Gebetspunkte zum COP26-Klimagipfel (Deutsch)
Prayer points for the COP26 climate summit (English)
Points de prière pour le sommet climatique COP26 (Français)
Puntos de oración para la cumbre del clima COP26 (Espagnol)
Pontos de Oração para a cimeira climática da COP26 (Português)