WEA Global Lounge auf dem Kongress christlicher Führungskräfte 2023
Gebende Hände
Gebende Hände ist ein international tätiges Hilfswerk, das bereits in mehr als 40 Ländern auf vier Kontinenten dieser Welt Hilfe geleistet hat. Unsere Arbeit verstehen wir als Dienst tätiger christlicher Nächstenliebe.
Gebende Hände ist selbst an keine bestimmte Kirche gebunden, arbeitet aber vor Ort mit und durch Kirchen aller Konfessionen. Selbstverständlich ist für uns auch die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Hilfsorganisationen und staatlichen Stellen, um unter den gegebenen Umständen möglichst effektiv Hilfe zu leisten.
WEA Global Business Club
The Global Business Club, established by the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), offers a platform for business professionals and investors within the Church to connect and network.
The Global Business Club furthermore equips leaders and organizations with valuable resources, functions as an information & resource hub and provides strategic and thought leadership for leaders of businesses, ministries and churches.
The World Evangelical Alliance is the largest international organization of evangelical churches and ministries and gives a world-wide identity, voice and platform to more than 630 million Christians in 143 countries.
Martin Bucer Seminar
„Wahre Theologie ist nicht theoretisch oder spekulativ, sondern aktiv und praktisch. Denn ihr letzter Zweck bedeutet ja Handeln, das heißt ein gottgemäßes Leben zu führen.“ (Martin Bucer in seiner Auslegung zu Joh 14,22-26)
Wir sind
1. Innovativ und flexibel
2. Weltoffen und gesellschaftsrelevant
3. Multikulturell und international
4. Missionsorientiert und praxisorientiert
5. Theologisch fundiert und niveauvoll
6. Forschungsorientiert
7. Fächerübergreifend
International Institute for Religious Freedom
The International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) was founded in 2007 with the mission to promote religious freedom for all faiths from an academic perspective. The IIRF aspires to be an authoritative voice on religious freedom. We provide reliable and unbiased data on religious freedom – beyond anecdotal evidence – to strengthen academic research on the topic and to inform public policy at all levels. Our research results are disseminated through the International Journal for Religious Freedom and other publications. A particular emphasis of the IIRF is to encourage the study of religious freedom in university institutions through its inclusion in educational curricula and by supporting postgraduate students with research projects.
The IIRF has a global presence with academic and advocacy partners on all continents. We perform original research and in collaboration with our partners. The IIRF is also a “meeting place” for all scholars that take an interest in religious freedom.
We understand Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB) as a fundamental and interdependent human right as described in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. In line with CCPR General Comment No. 22, we view FoRB as a broad and multidimensional concept that needs to be protected for all faiths in all spheres of society.
WEA Sustainability Center
The WEA Sustainability Center
... connects 600 million evangelical Christians around the globe with global efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
... provides impetus for broader engagement of evangelical churches and individual Christians around the globe to care for creation
... illustrates the diverse contributions to sustainable development made by evangelical churches around the world through their faith and practical action
WEA Peace & Reconciliation Network
In order to bring peace and restoration it is a need to equip local and national players with new capacities. Then they are able to engage with their community in unrest.
TRAIN (Teaching, Restoration, Assistance, Initiative, Networking) not only helps to assist actors for peace and restoration but also to initiate alliances where there is no existing peace initiative. It uses resources from the global network to teach and to establish centers to train them.
Teaching: Shaping a vision and developing teaching programs and tools on Peace and Reconciliation in Evangelical training centers worldwide together with partners of the WEA.
Restoration: in areas of conflict or unrest, by initiating and facilitating initiatives of peace and reconciliation in cooperation with global and/or national and/or local partners of the WEA.
Assistance: for agents all over the world involved in peace and reconciliation activities by sharing available resources and material through various channels.
Initiative: Helping agents involved with Peace and Reconciliation but with little support start their projects by providing advice, resources and materials as needed.
Networking: Promoting Networking with all respected Christian, Evangelical, and interfaith or secular partners or initiatives on peace and reconciliation throughout the world.
WEA Esther Project
For years, the issue of women in church leadership – formal and informal – has been a touchy subject both theologically and institutionally. Sadly, many gifted women have been overlooked and discouraged. Thankfully, this is changing. A recent survey indicated 7 in 10 evangelicals supported women teaching, leading worship, and preaching in church. Yet, this has yet to be reality in church institutions.
The WEA is committed to the equality and co-leading of men and women when it comes to serving the Kingdom of God. THE ESTHER PROJECT is the WEA initiative that is actively working to:
- Advocate for full co-leading of women in church and parachurch ministry
- Equip and empower women and girls to assume leadership roles
- Celebrate publicly the unique and influential role women are having
Institut für Islamfragen
Das evangelische Institut für Islamfragen ist ein Netzwerk von Islamwissenschaftlern und wird von den Evangelischen Allianzen in Deutschland, in Österreich und in der Schweiz getragen.
Durch Forschung und deren Präsentation in Veröffentlichung, Seminaren der Erwachsenenbildung und im politischen demokratischen Diskurs sollen Gesellschaft, Kirchen und Politik mit grundlegenden Informationen rund um das Thema „Islam“ versorgt werden.
Kurtuluş Churches
Kurtulus Churches are the churches of Christians from Turkey who want God’s love to be experienced by all. Our goal is for you to get to know God and come a little closer to a personal relationship with Him. We hope to see you among us at our times of worship, when we celebrate God’s effect in our lives. Join us and have the privilege of knowing God and having a personal relationship with Him.
Kurtuluş Churches was established in Ankara in 1985. It aims to be the family of communities consisting of individuals who serve for the expanding of God’s Kingdom in every city of Turkey and every country we reach outside of Turkey, and who grow in the discipleship of Christ as a healthy church in line with this purpose.
GO Movement
UNSERE VISION UND MISSION: „Jeder kann jemanden erreichen. Gemeinsam erreichen wir die Welt!“ bedeutet: Wir wollen, dass jeder Christ das Evangelium weitergibt, bis jeder die Möglichkeit hatte, es zu hören und sich für Christus zu entscheiden.
UNSER ZIEL: Mobilisieren Sie durch Gottes Gnade und Macht Millionen von Christen, um ihren Teil zur Erfüllung des Missionsbefehls beizutragen.
The Congress of Christian Leaders in Berlin begins tomorrow.
Today, we have set up the "WEA Global Lounge" with 10 other partners.
We are looking forward to meeting and sharing with hundreds of leaders over the next days.
#kcf23 @WEAnews #WEAKcF2023
WEA Global Lounge - Programm auf der Mini-Stage
Donnerstag | Partner | Sprecher | Programmpunkt | |
13:00 - 13:15 | Gebende Hände | Stefan S. Muresan | Lücken füllen, wo kein Anderer eine Aufgabe sieht | |
13:20 - 13:35 | Institut für Islamfragen | Esther Schirrmacher | Islam: Integration oder integraler Konflikt? | |
13:40 - 13:55 | Martin Bucer Seminar | Titus Vogt | Training der nächsten Generation von Leitern in der Türkei | |
14:00 - 14:15 | Gebende Hände | Stefan S. Muresan | Zukunft schaffen für Waisen in Uganda | |
14:20 - 14:35 | WEA Business Coalition | Timo Plutschinski, James Kramer | Shaping the worldwide mega trends of tomorrow | |
14:40 - 14:55 | Peace & Reconciliation Network | Eberhard Jung, Phil Wagler | Strategic planning for Peace & Reconciliation worldwide | |
15:00 - 15:15 | WEA Sustainability Center | Matthias Böhning | Unternehmerische Nachhaltigkeit und Schöpfungsbewahrung | |
15:20 - 15:35 | WEA / International Institute for Religious Freedom | Thomas Schirrmacher | Die WEA - eine globale Religionsfreiheitsbewegung!? | |
15:40 - 15:55 | Esther Project | Peirong Lin | Women in the church: Dreams and Reality | |
15:55 - 16:10 | Initiative 27. Januar | Matthias Böhning, Martin Oliner | Die Abraham Accords - ein neues Kapitel in der Weltgeschichte | |
Freitag | Partner | Sprecher | Programmpunkt | |
13:00 - 13:15 | WEA Business Coalition | Timo Plutschinski, Matthias Braeunlich | Finanzinnovationen bei WEA und Lutherischem Weltbund | |
13:20 - 13:35 | WEA Sustainability Center | Matthias Böhning | Schöpfungsbewahrung und die weltweite Gemeinde | |
13:40 - 13:55 | WEA Partnership e.V. | Cinzia Wieland | Vorstellung Crisis Response Coordination Center: Türkei, Kongo, Afghanistan | |
14:00 - 14:15 | Peace & Reconciliation Network | Eberhard Jung | Frieden und Versöhnung in Zentralasien | |
14:20 - 14:35 | Mercy Ships | Udo Kronester | Das weltweit größte private Hospitalschiff im Einsatz für die Ärmsten der Armen | |
14:40 - 14:55 | Institut für Islamfragen | Carsten Polanz | Beachtenswerte Entwicklungen in der arabischen Welt | |
15:00 - 15:15 | WEA Business Coalition | Timo Plutschinski, Matthias Böhning | Just Economy in Times of Global Crises | |
15:20 - 15:35 | Kurtulus-Gemeinden | Susanne Geske | Engagement christlicher Gemeinden in der türkischen Katastrophenhilfe | |
15:40 - 15:55 | GO Movement | Bastian Decker | GO-Tag - Von Deutschland in die weite Welt | |
18:30 - 18:45 | Peace & Reconciliation Network | Eberhard Jung | Frieden und Versöhnung in der MENA-Region, Afrika und Ukraine | |
18:50 - 19:05 | Esther Project | Peirong Lin | Investing in the voice of women | |
19:10 - 19:25 | World Evangelical Alliance | Thomas Schirrmacher | Evangelicals united globally for Gospel transformation | |
19:30 - 19:45 | WEA Business Coalition | Timo Plutschinski, Jan Moellmann | Impact Investment: Wie macht man Impact messbar? | |
19:50 - 20:05 | International Institute for Religious Freedom | Dennis Petri | Aktuelle Herausforderungen der weltweiten Religionsfreiheit | |
Samstag | Partner | Sprecher | Programmpunkt | |
10:30 - 10:45 | Martin Bucer Seminar | Frank Hinkelmann | Nebenberufliche theologische Ausbildung | |
10:50 - 11:05 | Peace & Reconciliation Network | Eberhard Jung | Friedens- und Versöhnungstage in Deutschland | |
11:10 - 11:25 | GO Movement | Werner Nachtigal | Evangelisation global fördern | |
11:30 - 11:45 | Diyarbakir-Gemeinde | Susanne Geske | Gemeindezentrum für die Osttürkei | |
11:50 - 12:05 | WEA Business Coalition | Sas Conradie, Paul Bolte | Global generosity - Global giving |