Jetzt online verfügbar: Webinar “The 4th UN Environment Assembly, the ‘Faith for Earth Initiative’ and Creation Care”

Am Dienstag, 19. Februar 2019, veranstaltete der WEA Sustainability Center sein erstes Webinar - es ist ab sofort online verfügbar

(Hinweis: Alle Webinare des WEA Sustainability Centers finden in englischer Sprache statt. Alle damit verbundenen Informationen und Materialien werden deshalb ebenfalls ausschließlich auf Englisch verfügbar gemacht.)

What relevance does the 4th UN Environment Assembly have for churches, congregations, faith-based NGOs and individual believers around the world who care for creation? Which topics will be discussed from 11-15 March 2019 in Nairobi/Kenya? And how do Christians link into the UN Environment Programme's 'Faith for Earth Initiative'? This webinar hosted by the World Evangelical Alliance Sustainability Center (WEASC) based in Bonn/Germany will provide some answers to these questions. 


  • Iyad Abumoghli (Principal Coordinator Faith for Earth, UN Environment)
  • Chris Elisara (Director, WEA Creation Care Task Force)
  • Matthias Boehning (Director, WEA Sustainability Center)
  • Lilian M. Kurz (Head of Programmes, WEA Sustainability Center)

Agenda: (click on an item on the agenda to access the PDF)

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